A focus of our work at interactive instruments is to develop solutions that act as bridges between Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) like INSPIRE and the ArcGIS platform. This leverages our work in numerous standards activities in OGC and ISO as well as our experience in implementing SDIs and components for SDIs,

Examples of our solutions for bridging between SDIs and the ArcGIS platform are introduced below.

XtraProxy – Access OGC Web Feature Services directly from ArcGIS

With XtraProxy for WFS you can seamlessly access OGC Web Feature Services (WFS) from your usual ArcGIS clients – web, desktop or mobile.


  • Setting up services is simple – XtraProxy automatically analyses the schema and data provided by the WFS
  • Minimal performance overhead compared to direct access to the WFS
  • Support for all versions of WFS and GML
  • Supports vector tiling and generalization used by the ArcGIS web APIs
  • Complex data structures are transformed for use in ArcGIS and preserved in HTML popups
  • Feature attributes and the styling in maps can be customized
  • Integration with map.apps allows for rapid review of proxy services from XtraProxy Service Manager
  • Support for OAuth2
  • Prepared for clustering

Web maps with sample XtraProxy services can be found at https://ii.maps.arcgis.com/.

Use ArcGIS Online as a hub for SDI data

In the European Location Framework (ELF) project we have developed strategies and tools to synchronize SDI data with hosted feature services in ArcGIS Online and keep it up-to-date.

The ELF vision is to provide
  • immediate and reliable access to consistent and authoritative reference geo-information
  • up-to-date information via the web
  • data and services that “join up” at borders

Caching ELF / INSPIRE data in ArcGIS Online makes the data immediately accessible to ArcGIS users. Typical patterns for using reference data are:

  • as a base map
  • to geo-reference other data
  • using the feature data in geo-processes or map-based apps

The European Location Framework data in ArcGIS Online is available at https://elf.maps.arcgis.com/ (most data is accessible only be consortium members).

XtraServer – Publish data in advanced schemas as OGC Web Feature Services in ArcGIS for Server

XtraServer is a suite for building up high-performance web services complying with standards of the OGC. XtraServer is certified as OGC compliant and is a reference implementation for WFS 2.0 and GML 3.2.1.

The ArcGIS for Server edition of XtraServer runs as a server extension of ArcGIS for Server and provides support for community schemas as well as support for complex schemas not supported by the Web Feature Service that is part of ArcGIS for Server.

ShapeChange – Generate Geodatabase templates from application schemas in UML

ShapeChange is a tool to process application schemas for geographic information in UML according to ISO 19109. We have recently added support for deriving Geodatabase templates from such UML models.